All of Your Accounting Needs Under One Roof
At House of Accounting, we strive to provide all of your accounting needs under one roof because we understand business owners need a partner they can rely to take care of all accounting aspects of their business.
A business owner needs to know these functions are handled so they can focus on growing their business.
Get the insights into your business you’ve always wanted.
Have the right dials to turn, and know when you need to turn them.

Every time we meet with a new business, we rediscover (together) the power of having the right information at your fingertips. Too many businesses are trying to grow with an anvil tied around their legs because they don’t know how to spot financial problems BEFORE they become a catastrophe — or they are missing out on real chances for rapid growth … simply because they were blind to the data that would have shown them the way.
Too many business owners are evaluating their success by “what’s in the bank” instead of what is possible when you have a true expert in your corner.
Bookkeeping you can rely upon
Whatever your software (even if it’s Excel!) you need to have a system for categorizing expenses … not only so you can see what’s actually happening — but so you can capture all of the tax savings now available to business owners (if only they knew about them).
Tax Preparation
10 million tax payers missed out on a chance to get a bigger refund last year simply because they neglected to fill out one line on their tax return. Will you miss a similar opportunity this year?
The right advice, at the right time
It doesn’t help to have your accountant tell you that you are running in the red — after you’ve buried yourself in debt. Or that a particular product/service category is booming — after you’ve finished your sales cycle. Let us point you where you need to go.
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